About Our Routine Comprehensive Urinalysis


Did you know that your urine is the key to understanding factors of your health? It may be a waste product, but it’s full of valuable information. From kidney issues to digestive questions, your regular bathroom breaks include valuable info on many elements of your body. A routine urinalysis test is a way to take that waste product and turn it into pure data. Some elements of the urinalysis are simpler than you’d realize. Indications of color, cloudiness, transparency, and viscosity can tell an experienced lab tech loads about the current state of your health. Beyond appearances, our routine urinalysis covers a whole load of information by testing 26 factors. They are: Color; Appearance; Specific Gravity; pH Levels; Glucose; Bilrubin; Ketones; Occult Blood; Protein; Nitrite; Leukocyte Esterase; WBC; RBC; Squamous Epithelial Cells; Transitional Epithelial; Renal Epithelial Cells; Bacteria; Calcium Oxalate Crystals; Triple Phosphate Crystals; Uric Acid Crystals; Amorphous Sediment; Crystals; Hyaline Casts; Granular Casts; Casts; Yeast

Test Contents

The urinalysis works using the Reagent Impregnated Strips, Tablets and, Microscopic Examination methods. The comprehensive urinalysis looks at: Color; Appearance; Specific Gravity; pH Levels; Glucose; Bilrubin; Ketones; Occult Blood; Protein; Nitrite; Leukocyte Esterase; WBC; RBC; Squamous Epithelial Cells; Transitional Epithelial; Renal Epithelial Cells; Bacteria; Calcium Oxalate Crystals; Triple Phosphate Crystals; Uric Acid Crystals; Amorphous Sediment; Crystals; Hyaline Casts; Granular Casts; Casts; Yeast


Change in your urination patterns are a good reason to get a routine urinalysis.

When To Check

Urinalysis panels should be a regular part of your annual wellness check. Doing a routine urinalysis panel is especially important if you: Are trying to screen for health conditions; if you feel like you are experiencing symptoms of conditions such as diabetes or heart disease; to monitor ongoing health conditions, such as diabetes or kidney disease; to diagnose a UTI; if you’ve been admitted to a hospital; as preparation for surgery.

How to test

Order Your Test

Choose the test you want to take to know your body better. Then, order your tests online.

Visit A Local Lab

With 2000+ locations, you’ll find a lab near you, easy. Bring your order number to the lab and get tested.

Get Your Result

Download your results from your secure online portal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s going on in your body? Usually, we shrug off fatigue or the odd stomachaches, never taking the time to pay attention to what’s really happening in our body. When you test for wellness, you’re taking your health in your own hands to take the next step towards health and wellness. For a stronger, healthier you.

Getting a wellness test is the first step in the journey to better health. When you test for wellness, you’re getting concrete information about your body that you can bring to a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.

Nope! AimCheck takes care of all doctors referrals and prescriptions throughout the testing process so you don’t have to. Note: AimCheck is not a diagnostic service. To interpret your results, go to your doctor or healthcare professional.

If you’re a relatively healthy individual, AimCheck suggests doing an overall wellness check at least once a year.
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When To Check
